General Information for Parishioners
Our address: 1101 Isaac Drive, Lincoln Nebraska 68521
Parish Phone: (402) 476-8088
Information about the adjoining North American Martyrs Catholic School can be found on the School website.
Our bishop has asked that we register in the parish that we live within the boundaries of. North American Martyrs Parish boundaries are North 20th Street to the east, West Bluff Road to the north, the Seward county line to the west and West Holdrege Street and Cornhusker Highway to the south. Our parish comprises seventy square miles. There are currently 1,443 registered families at North American Martyrs.
A map of the city of Lincoln parish boundaries is listed at
Coffee and Rolls
Coffee and Rolls are usually served on the third Sunday of the month following morning Masses. This is hosted by the Knights of Columbus or the Altar Society. Join us for conversation and fellowship! Free will offering.
Baptism Preparation Classes
The Baptism Preparation class is for first time parents and is held once a month on a Sunday from 1—4:00 pm in the Family Room.
Parents are welcome to attend before their child is born. Please call the Parish Office at 402-476-8088 ext. 5 to register or ask questions.
Parish Library
Books in the Family/Music Room and Chapel may be checked out for four weeks.
Spiritual Opportunities
North American Martyrs is a vibrant parish with numerous opportunities for spiritual growth. We offer classes, men’s and women’s groups, bible studies, retreats, seminars, and special liturgies throughout the year in addition to an active youth program lead by our Youth Minister. Watch the bulletin or website for upcoming events!
Mission Statement
Witnessing to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and living the Sacramental life.