Faculty & Staff
Questions? The Faculty and Staff of NAM School will have all the answers you need! Find out who to contact.

Upcoming Events
From School Events to Parent Meetings, check our School event calendar for current dates & times.

Location & Map
North American Martyrs Church and School are located in the Highlands Subdivision of northwest Lincoln, NE
Weekly Calendar Winners December 29 – 31
Sunday, December 29: Nick O'Connell Monday, December 30: Lori Hahn Tuesday, December 31: Carl & Lisa Campbell
List of Volunteer Events
Special Announcements
The Amazon Smile Program donates half a percent to charity and in particular to North American Martyrs Catholic Church and School.
Shop at http://smile.amazon.com/ch/47-0768348 and sign up to participate and support North American Martyrs!
Our School Philosophy
North American Martyrs Parish School seeks to fulfill the mandate of Christ to teach the Gospel to all people. (Matthew 28:18 – 20)
As a religious institution, the school seeks to assist Catholic parents in their duty as the primary religious educators of their children by teaching ecclesial doctrine and building community through common prayer and Christ – like service.
As an academic institution, the school seeks to work in partnership with parents in the intellectual, emotional, social, and physical development and growth of their children in harmony with the specific and unique gifts God has given to each child.
The goals of North American Martyrs School are:
- to offer instruction in Catholic doctrine and morals.
- to provide an environment supportive of religious values.
- to form students in the practice of prayer.
- to form students in the practice of virtue.
- to provide opportunities to participate in the Church’s liturgy and devotions.
- to foster the practice of spiritual and corporal works of mercy.
- to form structures and programs that unite parents, school, and Church in the work of Catholic education.
- to impart knowledge and skills, develop understanding, and cultivate appreciation for the basic academic subjects.
- to help students to learn to think logically, critically, and wisely.
- to promote character development, personal integrity, self – reliance, responsibility, perception of beauty, wholesome use of leisure, sound social attitudes and habits, and good physical and mental health.
- to lead students to hear and respond to God’s call to holiness, a particular state in life, apostolic action and heaven.
Mission Statement
We, the Family of North American Martyrs School, build up the Kingdom of God, as we work together in faith, knowledge, and loving service.
Upcoming Events

Father Nathan Hall