To adore Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, Who is present in the tabernacle and Who, in His infinite goodness gave Himself to us in the Holy Eucharist.
To Participate
Each member spends one hour each week before the Blessed Sacrament, praying and adoring our Lord. Members are asked to provide a substitute to take their hour when they are unable to be there. Look for Adoration sign up information in the bulletin. Please select a time that works for you.
To have someone present continuously adoring Our Lord, (seven days a week—24 hours a day) is our spiritual goal. He is present to us in the tabernacle of His Church. In appreciation for all He has done for us, we desire to spend time adoring Him, asking for His forgiveness, thanking Him for His goodness and presenting to Him our needs. Through time spend with Him, we receive blessings and gifts not only for ourselves, but also for our parish family.
For the latest list of open Holy Hours, please call the Parish Office.