Sunday School Job Description

Job Description Sunday School



Stewardship – Time, Talent and Treasure

This parish has been built up by those who have made faith filled sacrifices.

Today, we are called to be the good stewards of this generation and to care for the needs of our parish and to provide for our children.

May God bless you and guide you in your stewardship.

What is Stewardship?

Stewardship is a way of life.

A steward sees his life as a gift from God wherein he is given time, talents and treasures.

A steward has a zest for life because he “knows not the day or the time when the Lord will come.”

He wants to use his time, talents and treasure in a way pleasing to God.
He wants to be accountable to His Maker, the Father; Redeemer, Jesus Christ, and Sanctifier, the Holy Spirit.

The steward is generous and happy to give back and to others because he knows that “the Lord loves a cheerful giver.”

2020 Tithing Stewardship Commitment  2020 Tithing Pledge Form

The Church can help you be a good Steward

We invite you to be involved in any of the events at North American Martyrs.

View our many organizations and activities on the 2019 Stewardship Plan

or visit our Organizations page for additional information on our Parish organizations.

Various Stewardship Opportunities are also listed in the Sunday Bulletin.

Scrip information is available on our website Scrip page.
You can also stop by the Scrip table at weekend Mass (the Scrip table is by the Family Room, in the Narthex.)

E-Tithing  is an easy and efficient way to provide regular support to the parish through automatic bank withdrawal from either your checking or savings account on a monthly basis. E-tithing not only eliminates the inconvenience of writing weekly or monthly checks, it is also more secure. E-tithing helps the parish by allowing us to plan our budget effectively, reduces administrative costs of mailing envelopes, saves time in processing weekly deposits, and makes bookkeeping more efficient for everyone.E-Tithe Enrollment Form 2020

To give online through Pushpay, click the Give Online button on the homepage of our website.
