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Lent with the Psalms: Ps 95
Hello, friends, this is Lent with the Psalms, Martyr’s on-the-go Lenten Bible study series. Hopefully the series has given you some food for your prayer. Today, for the third Sunday of Lent, we’re going to dive into Psalm 95. In case this is your first time...
Lent 2023

Lent with the Psalms: Ps 33
Praise the Lord... Hello, friends, and welcome to this second episode of our Lenten study of the Psalms. We’ve entered into our first full week of Lent here and there’s still plenty of fasting and penance on the horizon. So hopefully you’re getting settled in your...

Lent with the Psalms: Ps 51
Often overlooked in homilies and bible studies, the Psalms are the life-blood of the Church’s prayer life. They are also the most cited works in the New Testament. Throughout the ages, the Church has turned to the Psalms in order to converse with God, to find...

Christian Hope
"If we die..." On Easter Sunday morning in 2019 the Sri Lankan Church was devasted after three churches in the Archdiocese of Colombo were attacked by three Suicide Bombers during Easter Sunday Masses. 269 Catholics were killed and many severely wounded and...

5 Ways to Help Souls in Purgatory This November
During the month of November, the Church remembers in a special way all those who have died. This begins with a joyful celebration of all the saints and continues into the more somber remembrance of all those who have died but have not yet entered fully into the...

The Council of Nicaea and the God Puzzle
“I believe in one God, the Father almighty…” Every Sunday we say these words. They’re part of what’s called the Nicene creed. It was mostly written in 325 AD in modern day Turkey. A large group of bishops got together in a city called Nicaea to settle some...

What is Faith?
St. Paul in Athens There’s a very curious episode in the Bible when Paul tries to tell some Athenians about Christianity. Paul points to an altar in the city dedicated to the “unknown god” and then, not mentioning Jesus,...

The Tabernacle, Eden, and Encountering Jesus in the Liturgy
Pope Francis recently said that the liturgy “guarantees for us the possibility” of an encounter with the living Jesus (Desiderio Desideravi, 11). How does the liturgy guarantee an encounter with Jesus? “That which was visible in Jesus, that which could be seen with...